2013年12月16日 星期一

2013年-第一章 我國電子商務市場現況分析 摘要




2013年12月15日 星期日

2013-Chapter 1 Analysis of the Current E-Commerce Market in Taiwan Abstract

E-commerce has attracted considerable interest and discussion in 2012 and 2013.The Internet has also become a new opportunity for many manufacturers to develop new channels. The country's Internet user population has continued to rise in recent years, and with the sales of mobile devices clearly beginning to take off in 2010, mobile commerce as well as the integration and development of both online and brick-and-mortar distribution channels have begun to gather momentum in Taiwan's e-commerce industry.

Looking at the overall development of the B2C e-commerce sector, currently the impetus for growth comes from the fact that more and more brick-and-mortar retailers are considering the viability of the Internet as a means to grow their business. After a period of experimentation, many vendors are now willing to try mobile platforms. In 2012, a number of vendors entered the market by building their own online e-commerce platforms. It is apparent that the mature online environment has made vendors more willing to attempt new and different modes of operation, and e-commerce, when accompanied by advanced technology, has also resulted in higher volume of business.

Buying patterns show that Internet shoppers tend to be young, single women with financial security. Therefore this particular category of consumers is seen as a high potential demographic in the e-commerce market. Most Internet users believe that they are most likely to make purchases when they are browsing the Web. In addition, Internet advertising is quite effective drawing customers. Consumers are now spending increasing amounts of time online, and they often collect product information on their own. Internet shoppers facing the decision of whether to make a purchase online or go to a brick-and-mortar outlet will consider a number of factors. Two important ones that tip the scale in favor of the virtual store are: multiple payment options and the delivery methods of their choice.

2013年-第二章 我國電子商務發展應用 摘要



在行動商務應用方面,隨著智慧型裝置、行動上網與NFC(Near Field Communication,近場通訊)技術的普及,行動商務已成為一個近期發展重點的趨勢。而行動商務的特性為以顧客為中心、奉行少即是多、永遠在線服務、高度整合體驗、社群經營綑綁、交易安全保證…等特性。意及行動商務隨時隨地都能使用才有其效用。而國內電商平台也積極發展行動平台,例如Yahoo!奇摩積極發展行動網頁;Groupon與Gomaji也發展手機App搶攻行動下單市場;有專門提供行動商務App建置的新興業者崛起;國內電信業者也積極布局行動支付功能,目前行動商務可謂各家必攻之地。

在O2O(團購)發展應用方面,2010年8月時,TrialPay的創辦人兼執行長Alex Rampell提出了O2O的概念,從此成為顯學。它是Online To Offline(線上到線下),亦即:為線下商品與服務進行線上展示,透過整合資訊或提供折扣等方式,讓消費者先在線上完成對商品或服務的預訂支付,然後把線上使用者帶到線下商店去消費,於線下取得商品或享受服務。團購則是目前O2O模式最為顯著的例子,而台灣目前經過團購業者的大戰,目前較大網站為Groupon台灣酷朋、GOMAJI夠麻吉、17Life、123團購網、集購城、Yahoo!奇摩折扣+、17Shopping、yam揪便宜。O2O做為今年電子商務最熱門的話題之一,被寄予了邀請傳統行業走向網路的重任。




2013-Chapter 2 Development of E-Commerce Applications in Taiwan Abstract

There are currently a large variety of e-commerce applications. Here, we will provide an overview of e-commerce applications in Taiwan in the following areas: cloud commerce applications, mobile commerce applications, O2O (Online-to-Offline) development, social commerce applications, Internet marketing and public welfare e-commerce applications.

When it comes to cloud commerce applications, two of the most successful corporations that come to mind are Google and Amazon. These pioneers of cloud servers and cloud computing capabilities have brought tremendous benefits and convenience to small and medium e-commerce enterprises. Small and medium e-commerce enterprises or traditional industries that have just established online presences do not have to concern themselves with hardware technology or complex software calculations once they have adopted the cloud computing platform. Technologies that were once available only to large corporations are now available to small and medium enterprises at minimal cost, which is a great advantage to them. With regard to cloud services in Taiwan, KKBOX currently offers cloud-based music streaming, and there are also cross-sector collaboration efforts such as telecom user services jointly provided by Taiwan Mobile and Evernote.

In the area of mobile commerce applications, as smart devices, mobile Internet and NFC (Near Field Communication) technologies become widespread, mobile applications are now among the focus of development. Mobile commerce is characterized by customer-centric strategies, a "less is more" philosophy, always-online service, highly integrated experiences, bundled social management, and transaction security assurance. Mobile commerce is useful only when it can be accessed anywhere, anytime. In Taiwan, e-commerce platforms are also being actively developed to incorporate mobile services. For example, Yahoo! Taiwan is actively pursuing the development of mobile websites. Groupon and Gomaji have also developed cell phone apps for placing orders on their mobile commerce platforms. New software development companies specializing in mobile commerce apps have sprung up. In Taiwan telecom carriers are also actively targeting mobile payment capabilities, as mobile commerce is currently a field coveted by many.

Regarding the development of O2O (Online-to-Offline, or group buying) applications, TrialPay founder and CEO Alex Rampell proposed the concept of O2O in August 2010, which has since become an appealing business model. The idea of Online-to-Offline is: Displaying offline products and services on the web and enabling consumers to preorder and pay for them online via information integration or discounts. Internet shoppers are then directed to offline stores to receive the goods or services. Group buying is currently the dominant example of the O2O business model. After a fierce battle among group buying vendors in Taiwan, major players that now remain include Groupon Taiwan, GOMAJI, ife, 123.com.tw, JigoCity, Yahoo! Taiwan Discount+, 17Shopping and Josho.Yam.com. O2O is one of the hottest topics in e-commerce this year, and it has been given the enormous responsibility of attracting traditional industries to join the digital revolution.

Social commerce is the conducting of the entire process of online shopping via interpersonal or social relationships. Examples of social commerce include the business opportunities arising from recommending products to friends and family, and persuading fellow netizens to make group purchases, as well as sharing experiences, posting comments and discussing and evaluating products and services on social websites. Several social commerce business models have been attempted by vendors in Taiwan: Enhancing community features on e-commerce platforms, incorporating e-commerce plug-ins on social networking sites, deploying the "We the Media" model on social networking sites, one-on-one recommendations, Q&A, expert models, joint purchasing, consumer participation in social commerce, and community shopping guide websites.

In Internet marketing applications, following the rise of the Internet, e-commerce has become the primary battlefield of global corporations. As a result, greater importance is attached to skills and knowledge associated with Internet marketing, such as online advertising, community management, big data and other factors that will influence consumers' perception and decision-making processes or even gain intimate knowledge of their consumption behaviors. The most common approaches to Internet marketing include: Online advertising, search engine optimization, social media marketing, We the Media marketing, content marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, mobile advertising, customer relationship management and public relations activities. The particular choice of Internet marketing depends on what the enterprise believe is the most suitable approach.

With the Internet reaching virtually every corner of the world, public welfare e-commerce applications are now a reality. More resources can be generated through the Internet, which is playing a very important in promoting public welfare and charitable contributions. For example, News&Market, a website created in 2011, focuses on issues related to agriculture, food and the environment, and it has since become a benchmark corporate website. In addition to special reports, the website has also set up an online sales mechanism to help farmers market their products. Go Grandriders is a documentary that has attracted a great deal of attention; it depicts a group of senior citizens traveling around Taiwan on motorcycles. The film was introduced to the world on Youtube as well as through word of mouth. Originally it was just a plan to fulfill a life-long dream but it has now achieved feature film status. Finally, NPOchannel provides a platform for charitable donations, bringing together public welfare organizations so that they can help people around the country who are in need.


(一) 網路商店經營現況

1、 獲利情形

圖1 網路商店獲利情形

